Step into the not-so-distant future, where humanity embarks on a breathtaking quest for survival among the stars. Just as the dream of colonizing Mars was on the horizon, a shocking revelation changed everything—a new planet, affectionately named Planet B, beckons with untold possibilities.
This vibrant new world offers a chance for humanity to start afresh, with high hopes of finally learning from past mistakes... or so we thought. In Planet B, you assume the role of power-hungry governors in a game filled with fierce political maneuvering.
Immerse yourself in a realm of backroom deals and shady alliances as you forge partnerships with corporations to further your ambitions. Your mission is clear: build your city and win over the populace to serve your grand objectives.
Gain favor with influential political factions while masterfully manipulating the media to shape public opinion in your favor. However, tread carefully—this ruthless pursuit of power comes with significant risks. Winning the hearts and minds of potential voters is crucial as you vie for the presidency in this cutthroat environment.
As the stakes rise, one pressing question looms: who will pocket the most government funds? Prepare to navigate a morally ambiguous landscape where only the clever and resourceful will triumph in the relentless quest for influence and wealth.
Will your ambitious strategies launch you to greatness, or will they lead to your downfall? The fate of Planet B is in your hands. Are you ready to ascend to power, or will you get lost in the chaotic underbelly of politics? The challenge awaits!
Miniversos is where game and LEGO fans find their next adventure. With a curated selection of board games, TCGs, and LEGO sets, there’s always something new to discover.
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