Step into the intriguing world of Obsession: The Characters Expansion, where a peculiar Dowager resides in a sprawling manor just outside of Derby—fabulously reminiscent of a Scottish castle, yet dramatically unconventional. Her estate is an extraordinary gathering spot for an eclectic mix of characters, drawing in eccentric personalities from both near and far.
While the respectable members of society may turn their noses up at the Dowager's questionable taste in company, there’s no denying the magnetic charm and captivating stories that her guests bring. Prepare to meet a cast of delightful oddballs, each with their own unique abilities to shake up your management of the estate!
Among the vibrant newcomers, you'll encounter Constable Bucket, notorious for swiftly dealing with unsavory guests; the resourceful Mr. Higbee, a master at finding domestic help when you need it most (References? They’re around here somewhere…); the sagely Reverend Grantly, who offers profound insights; and the flamboyant Eccentric Dowager Marchioness, ready to introduce you to influential figures like a Prussian major, Swedish noble, and Russian count—all in the blink of an eye.
With this expansion, your game reaches new heights of intrigue and strategy. Dive into the drama, make connections, and let the adventures of Derbyshire unfold in your very own country estate!
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